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Don’t know what is 2FA? It is of utmost importance for security concern. If you register a domain, host a site, buy a digital service or anything else, you need to register in order to create an account or profile to log in to manage your products and services.
You have to set up 2FA for your account to secure it so that none can attempt to log to manipulate your data, destroy your services or hack it.Once you set up 2FA, none can log in tl your account, as it wants an extra token to log in to an account. Now, whatever, service or product you purchase, you need to submit your personal data through your account and so, your account must be protected against hackers. Many socia.
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What Is 2FA?
2FA stands for two factor authentication which is a kind of security measure to harden your account so that none can attempt to log in to, hack or break into your account. In most cases, while you log in to an account, you need to enter user name and password but if you have enabled 2FA, you can’t log in to your account until you enter and submit the additional 2 factor tokens provided by the pre-defined security tool.
So, 2FA is an additional security add-on feature that is used to tighten account so that hackers, bad guys, cyber criminals and none can log in to your account.
Why 2FA Matters in Account Security?
Many readers ask why I should enable 2 factor authentication? Does 2FA matter for account security? Will my account be protected if I enable 2 factor authentication? These are some of the questions that many newbies ask us. So, this article gives you answer as to why 2 factor authentication matters. Let’s start.
When you create an account, you need to create both the user name and password. User name is what you need to enter for profile. This displays in the profile section of your account. Once you log in to your account, you can see the user name.
On the other hand, Password is kept hidden from being publicly visible. Password may consist of numbers, letters and special characters. To make your account ‘s password strong, it needs a combination of letters, numbers and special characters. You should include both the uppercase as well as lowercase letters including numbers and special characters. But yet there is no guarantee that your account will be protected.
Suppose your email is Now, you need to enter this email to sign in to your Google account with password. Only the email and password will work for your account if you have not enabled 2FA .
But if you set up 2 factor authentication, you can’t log in two your account until you enter the two factor tokens provided to your third account for two factor authentication.
Which Kind of Account Needs 2FA?
You can set up two factor authentication for any kind of account. But in order to use this feature, you need to install and activate the authentication apps which are available for both the mobile devices and desktops. The company provides this feature. You can set up 2 factor authentication in Google.
You can set up this advanced security feature for any kind of account but I recommend to enable it for account having personally sensitive information like credit card, debit card, account number, banking information, date of birth, special identification characters etc.
If you have an account in Amazon, in web hosting company or any financial service provider, you can set up and activate the two factor authentication for stronger security.